
Friday, February 11, 2011

Real Food For Real People


I have  always been a proponent of what I call REAL FOOD for Real People.  I am not a a fan of prepackaged , processed food.  In my opinion real food, cooked by real people should be eaten by real people. No one should have to settle for so called cheap food just because it is convenient. Convenience foods are neither cheap in the long run, or really that convenient. Studies have shown that people who eat a diet high in refined carbs and processed food have a higher BMI, suffer from high blood pressure, and diabetes just to name a few. 
But what does real food have to do with being a Green Family? Well, considering that food is a big part of our carbon footprint we can do a lot about that. 

How can you make an impact on your Carbon Foot Print with Food?


gardening with kids
Perhaps the biggest way you can make an impact and be more green with your food is to grow and cook your own.  I know that everyone does not have access to acres and acres of land that where they can farm sustainably, but you can always find a window sill and and plant some greens, or if you have a little more room plant herbs and lettuces, spinaches and the like in containers. 


is a great way to not only reduce your carbon footprint to put it to good use.   I like to use a container like this one on my kitchen counter to hold the kitchen scraps. I empty it as needed, usually once a day, sometimes more, sometimes less.
kids cooking

Farmers Markets

famers market
Supporting your local famers at your area farmer’s market, is a great way to go green. Produce is fresher, the nutrition is a better quality and you are helping the local economy. Not only that you lower your carbon footprint by not having to transport food over hundreds of miles.

Cooking Your Own Food

I can think of no better way to have an impact on your food and become more green than to cook your own food at home.  Compared to eating at a restaurant you don’t have to drive there; you don’t have any styrofoam take-out containers to bring home, and you get to choose exactly what ingredients you want to go into your food ie, organic, gluten-free, vegan – whatever you choose.  Perhaps the best part of cooking at home is that you are truly sharing a meal with your family. Invite the kids in to cook.  You will make cooking with kids
many memories and pass on more than good recipes to your children.  I would love to see your favorite green recipes.

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